There are also restricted top-level domains (rTLDs), like .aero, .biz, .edu, .mil, .museum, .name, and .pro, that require the registrant to represent a certain type of entity, or to belong to a certain community. For example, the .name TLD is reserved for individuals and .edu is reserved for educational entities.

Country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) are for websites and registrants of a particular geographic location. For example: bz (Belize), .ca (Canada), .dk (Denmark), .ec (Ecuador), ie (Republic of Ireland), .uk (United Kingdom), .us (United States), and .zw (Zimbabwe).

One of the very first Top-Level Domains (TLD) Established in January 1985, .COM has since become the largest TLD, accounting for just under half of the 174 million domain names currently registered. This TLD means “commercial” to the vast majority of Internet users. Dozens of other TLDs are now available, including .ME, .CA and, more recently, .IN. But no matter how many new extensions may be added, everyone agrees – .COM is still the “Rodeo Drive of the Web.” ( Do you have yours?

A .COM can: Give you credibility in the online world. A .COM is essential for anyone looking to maintain an active presence on the Internet. Be purchased by anyone. Although initially intended for use by commercial entities, there are no restrictions on who can register a .COM.

If you’re registering a .COM for business purposes…
You might want to register multiple versions of this name(s) – yourpersonaldomainname.NET, for example. Or common misspellings of your domain name—yorpersonaldomanename.COM. You can have additional domains redirect visitors to your primary .COM site.

You might also want to register domain names made up of keywords that a shopper might type into a browser when searching for your product. If your company sells file folders, for example, you might register and (sorry, both are taken).
And if you are planning to publish podcasts, you should also purchase a .TV domain name.
Get your TLD at SpecifyDomain Web Domain Names

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